My Work
I love a lot of things in life... but I have to admit, I am a production junkie. I can take a single key visual from the design team and apply it across any type of deliverable while maintaining the look and feel, and staying within brand standards.
Mechanicals are my jam. I am a total geek about type formatting. Naming layers makes me happy. Color swatches? Only if they are in use with this mechanical... all those other freeloaders can hit the road.
I'm not gonna lie, I love cleaning up messy files. I love solving problems. I love anticipating future problems and coming up with ways to avoid that if possible. I love making templates that are actually helpful. I love style sheets, nested styles, and GREP styles.
I love brands. I love to be a brand steward. Give me a set of brand standards and I'll whip any file into shape like an Army recruit at boot camp.
I've been slingin' mechanicals for more than 20 years. I have a strong background in print production, point-of-purchase, merchandising displays, shopper marketing, out-of-home, digital media, web graphics, journalism, editorial layout and design. I am an organized, versatile and detail-oriented creative mind who is open to making any part of the job more efficient. I love to be the best production artist I can be.
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I recreated the webbed background and halftone pattern from the designer's low res jpg concept by drawing it all in Illustrator from scratch. Working with pizza boxes involves using food safe spot inks and not having the inks print anywhere near where they can touch the food inside the box, hence the clear areas at the bottom of the side pieces.

It was fun working with Overwatch characters on this gamer themed Kelloggs Pop Tarts packaging. The challenge was keeping both Overwatch and Pop Tarts branding in tact with the merged design.

Although I'm not a video game player, I enjoyed getting to know and work with these Overwatch characters. This was very intricate packaging with may pieces of art and text. I had to clip all the characters out as they came from Overwatch as flat renders.

This was as fun concept that I spent a lot of time making something that could be editable for various promotions in different location. Every box was at a different angle and this involved putting all the text in photoshop and making smart objects so that the warped effect would stay intact with text changes. This also required a custom die cut and bleed. A lot of work but it turned out pretty awesome.

I built out the entire 7UP Anti-Resoluton campaign with comedian Cheslea Handler as the spokesperson. This dump bin in particular was a challenge because the header had a front and back. So I had to flip everything in the image for the back, but still keep it in the same dieline. Several images of Chelsea were used throughout the campaign, and I spent a lot of time clipping out her hair and adding bleed for pieces like this with a custom diecut.

Every year for Halloween, Dr Pepper would turn their 8oz mini cans into some sort of monster. 2015 was the first year that they took it to augmented reality. An app was developed so that when you scanned your monster can you could make it have a "battle" on the screen with another character in the series. These slides show I took the intial key visual and blew it out to other deliverables for different flavors and languages.

These slides show I took the intial key visual for Halloween 2015 core flavors and blew it out to other deliverables for different flavors, packaging sizes and languages. I remember spending a great deal of time photoshopping that smoke in the background.

These slides show I took the intial key visual for Halloween 2015 core flavors and blew it out to other deliverables for different flavors, packaging sizes and languages. I remember spending a great deal of time photoshopping that smoke in the background.

I made several event pieces from a single key visual for the 7UP Latin Grammys Street Parties project. I had to create an extended background of the swirly drops for most the pieces. I made everything from a table cover, to a sampler bar, barricade covers, ad wall, ice hawk and an inflatable walk-thru display. Here's some mockups of the mechanicals I built for this event.